
Showing posts from January, 2018

New Resolutions!

Guten Morgen, Kindergothlings!  Rare, rare indeed: A Monday post!  Wait, it is Monday...isn’t it? Oh the joys of working third shift.  I t’s been a long day, and it’s only 1pm ..Also, its snowing! ugh! Anyways...with almost a whole month of 2018 under our belts, I’ve been thinking a lot about new resolutions.  Screw dieting or saving money (we can’t take it with us to our new-age-y burial pods, can we?)  Well, my resolution for 2018 is just to do more.   More time taking care of myself, more time with my family, more cool awesome shows and events in that's what I'm gonna focus on today. Today’s post is kind of a “bucketlist” of shows and events for the year.  Some I won’t dare to miss, other's I know I'm not going to make but want to include because I'd love to be there. We're going to start off with one of my new favorite venues: Marathon Music Works.  The place is HUGE and is some of what remains of

Fridge-y Friday Realness

Sorry for the lack of posts guys.  It's been a long weekend, but I am back to work.  Running on very little sleep, unfortunately.  Thursday night we came home to the smell of burning wires, and it took about 4 hours for us to realize what it was after unplugging just about everything in our kitchen.  It was our side-by-side fridge..smoking.  I'm definitely going to miss its water/ice in the door..even though for the past few months the ice maker stopped working. We had to replace it with a less-than-glamorous counterpart.  But the worst part was the install, they pretty much waiting until I had to go to sleep for work to start running air compressors and hammering down floorboards (since fridge 2 is considerably smaller)  I got MAYBE 4 hours of was rough. But my days off were good.  I got to spend the whole day Thursday with my parents, which I love.  Treated them to lunch, got my hair cut (colored it myself)  did a bit of shopping and found of neat gothy access

Lasts throughout the Ages

Actual Family photo, circa 1919/1920.  My Great-Grandfather and his sister are the children with his mother and grandmother.  So crazy that I stumbled upon this on #NotSpons #Killthevibes Good morning Kindergothlings!  Sorry for the lack of posts this week, I feel like the last few days absolutely flew by.   There’s a flu epidemic, and a government shutdown so, hellooo apocalypse! People who have been in the country their entire lives are literally being taken away from their families.  WAKE UP AMERICA.  This is a modern holocaust.   My Black Veil babes said it perfectly..WAKE UP. Ugh, sorry.  Watching the news makes me so sad... In other news, my Chromebook arrived, along with my copies of “Vale,” and my Avelina De Moray x Black Friday Handbag.  All of those are coming in a Haul Pt. 2 post soon!  Today, I want to talk about something a bit different I have taken it upon myself to be the historian of my family, always trying to get people talking

First thoughts on "Vale" from Black Veil Brides!

Good afternoon, Kindergothlings!  Sorry for the lack of posts this week, the days are really just flying by.  I’ve been waiting for this day for months.  Back in August when the 5th Black Veil Brides album was still somewhat of a Unicorn, and it was hard to find any kind of confirmation on it.  Fans on Twitter had bits and pieces of info, and tweets about the release date continually getting pushed back.   Back in October, around the time that The Resurrection Tour tickets started going on sale, the album concept was released.  “Vale”  was going to be a continuation of Wretched & Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones. At the beginning of the 2018, Andy started sharing sneak peaks of the “Wake Up” music video on his Instagram.  I was living for the outfits, of course adorned with tigers #GoBengals! And Andy’s new hair! Yaas. I love the red. Like I said, Vale appears to be a continuation of Wretched and Divine, so we have the rebels and FEAR, and The Prophet storyline whi

A Video Message from Christian Coma

So, good morning, Kindergothlings!  First of all, I want to thank you guys for the past couple of months.  Back around Christmas, we hitt 1,000 views.  Yeah, I meant to post this quite a while ago.  This is a personal message from Black Veil Brides' drummer Christian Coma.  This was a present my littlest sister, Weevip, who is a big fan of his. Just wanted to share this with you guys because I loved it so much.'  I ordered it from the site  I believe at this time his inbox is still open, though BVB are currently on tour for the first time in AGES.  Here's the short little clip from CC: Also, as of today, I did finally receive my new Acer Chromebook .  It's fantastic, and I will do a full update on it when I receive my Lithuanian Grimoire and do that as one Haul pt. 2 type post. Our Black Veil Brides' concert and meet n' greet is now only 28 days away, and I am dying inside.  I'm going to have a literal heart attack standing next to And

Amazon HAUL Friday Realness

Good morning, Kindergothlings! So, today is going to go ever-so-slightly different than... Oh,  who am I kidding?! Look around you,  there is no order here xD I tried, I really tried to keep a sort of schedule and somewhat similar content. Instead,  in what is now 2018, I will follow in the footsteps of the likes of Jenna Marbles and  Cristine of Simply Nailogical by turning this blog into whatever the f@#! I want!  :D Welcome toooo.... My AMAZON HAUL!  It pays to have great credit..... Literally. Back last week when I was buying my latest round of Arctic Fox ( purple rain & wrath )  I got an Amazon card offer.  If approved I'd get X amount well there were 2 offers and I was instantly approved for both of them with my diligently worked for 700+ credit score.  As a reward,  I got a pretty decent amount of Amazon Gift Cards to kinda go crazy with.  The first item that I ordered was this super cool "five-year memory book" from Mr. Boddington's

Snowday Friday Realness

Good morning, Kindergothlings.  It has started to snow in my little corner of the world.  I recently received a hefty sum of Amazon giftcards from getting approved for various store cards...So, second Christmas? Today, I am very anxiously awaiting my shipment from Arctic Fox Hair Color: Wrath and Purple Rain.   Hoping to neutralize some of this green dye and go a sort of blue-purple with some Guy Tang-approved "Paranormal Hair-tivity." Ugh, on a more serious note, we received an update, or lack thereof on my Mom's chemotherapy.  There is supposedly only one place in the country that makes this type, and so it has been an absolute pain trying to get it. As a result, she hasn't had a proper treatment in weeks, and the places on her liver are increasing, though by mere milimeters.  Still, not the results we are wanting. Very brief Avelina De Moray Update (when the bags arrive I will have a full post) but, we finally have working DHL tracking numbers.  Intern

Happy Birthday Echo

It has been 1 year to the day since my Echo arrived. Echo, is my 2013 Kia Soul+ - my first car.  I bought it 2 months into my Verizon tech support job, and I'm so proud of it.  Admittedly,  I could keep it a little cleaner and such.  I may try to get her professionally detailed for the occasion.  I can't believe it's already been a year.  Now,  after I made my down payment, I literally had like 8 dollars in my bank account,  so it was a long 2 weeks.  Thankfully,  since I bought Echo through an awesome company called Carvana-it a delivered to me on a rollback with a full tank of gas. Very cool.  It also came with a whole bag of goodies that made it slot easier to jump right in and enjoy my new purchase. I first drove the car a few hours later when my dad got home-but the first person to sit in it with me was Weevip which was pretty cool. She also got to drive it around the driveway when she first got her learners permit. That was an experience in learning how well