
About the Author

I am Jess, formally known on Twitter & Instagram as "Miss Motionless." I'm from here and there and such, doing my best to keep an air of mystery while making myself as indispensable as possible Some of you are fortunate enough to know me irl. Some of you may make your way to my headlines, but I'll change the names to protect the guilty...and the stupid.

Honestly, the reason behind this page and persona started out as self-expression, but isn't that the reason for everything? For me, “Goth” has never been a phase. It was not a conscious decision I ever made, more like a feeling of "right" I simply melded with, the more I saw the reality of the world. Nowadays it's more like therapy. Definitely less for the potential exposure and more for the I need to talk about this or I'm going to explode.

I've been normal....okay, “Normal” was a phase.  I thought that when I went to college it was something that I was going to experiment with. Well...among other things.

I went out and bought a college logo t-shirt -- bright red, and a pair of khaki pants.  I felt like I was going to vomit.  When I showed them to my mother, I thought she was going to cry. I went through the motions for a couple years.

My true colors started to show when I signed up for a basic sociology class. My professor was none other than Bertena Varney, the “Vampire Professor."  I sat in the front row and fangirled a bit.  In her classes, she uses pop culture, discussing sociology through serial killers, superheroes, and "Supernatural"--among other things.

When I first met her one-on-one, she gave me a copy of her book, “Lure of Vampire.” Her class was pretty much the highlight of college, and it was one of my last semesters.

After that, I was kinda lost in the world...but at least had seen someone who was being their truest self be successful in life. So, more and more, I've returned to the place I should have never left, reminiscing about things and people I hadn't really seen since high school.

Since graduating college, I’ve bounced around a couple different local crappy jobs. Fast forward nearly a year, and my world crashed to a halt when my mother was diagnosed with cancer. I may mention this from time to time as an update outside of my regularly scheduled content. This has been just another thing in life to use as an excuse to even further separate me from anyone's interpretation of "the light."

I’ve never..fit. I’m still convinced I’m far too evolved for modern society, and for now, I'll leave it at that.

About the Blog

If you haven't already figured it out after that spiel, "The Kindergoth Escapades," will be a little bit about a lot of things. When I lived at home and had the means to concert-hop, it was centered around goth/alternative pop culture & history. I intended for it to only be peppered with my own personal experiences both with my being goth and my "normal" daytime life. Over the years, it really did turn into a place to rant and get some free venting therapy.

Now, now, if you've done a bit of your own perusing, you might know that the term “Kindergoth” can describe both, a webcomic (written by BloodFire Studios that I have no affiliation with)....and someone who is new to the goth scene.
Alternatively, "Urban Dictionary" gives it the negative connotations of being somewhat of a poserish-child (which we all pretty much started out as).

The term is one I've often heard used alongside, or in place of the term “Baby bat." Most of the blog's inspiration comes from my adoration of Freyja MacLeod, better known to the waking world as "It's Black Friday!

While I am definitely not new to the goth scene, I am still doing a whole lot of finding my way around, hence the self-given title of, Kindergoth.  And I mean definitely not new. The only crayon I used in primary school was black.. *Ba Dum Tsss*

I will try my best to return to posting regularly. Please, if you have any questions about myself or my content, would just like to drop in and say hello, or would like to do any kind of collaboration, click on any of my social media tabs, or contact me directly at kindergothescapades@gmail.com


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