Lasts throughout the Ages

Actual Family photo, circa 1919/1920.  My Great-Grandfather and his sister are the children with his mother and grandmother.  So crazy that I stumbled upon this on #NotSpons #Killthevibes

Good morning Kindergothlings!  Sorry for the lack of posts this week,
I feel like the last few days absolutely flew by.  
There’s a flu epidemic, and a government shutdown so, hellooo apocalypse!
People who have been in the country their entire lives are literally being taken away
from their families.  WAKE UP AMERICA.  This is a modern holocaust.  
My Black Veil babes said it perfectly..WAKE UP.

Ugh, sorry.  Watching the news makes me so sad...
In other news, my Chromebook arrived, along with my copies of “Vale,”
and my Avelina De Moray x Black Friday Handbag.  All of those are coming
in a Haul Pt. 2 post soon!  Today, I want to talk about something a bit different

I have taken it upon myself to be the historian of my family, always trying to get people
talking and recording their stories.  
I kind of hot the motherload this week, though there are still a few pieces of information
I’m dying to track down.  BUT, i was able to trace my ancestry back to COLONIAL
AMERICA #UngothConfessions but, genealogy is seriously my crack.  
Studying is meh...but literally studying how everything worked
out just perfect to lead to your existence.  War, famine, murder, time..
.anything could have prevented my existence, or the existence
of the 10 generations that have been here on American soil.  
Long story short, my family..Well, my mother’s maiden name,
I have traced as far back as 1412...possibly 1194.
There is an alternative spelling, Winchelese, that may also be related to us.

I have found books and articles from the Connecticut State
Library’s online database containing deeds, maps, etc.
 This one man is literally responsible for 9/10 people bearing the last name.  
That’s crazy awesome.

A few have small connections to the tragedy that was the Salem Witch Trials,
which I am dying to continue researching, though we share so little
DNA so it’s very hard to track them down.  A few years back, a manuscript
of the supposed witches was released, but no one has digitized it yet,
and it is very very hard to try in read.  So, I’ll try to find something else to use.

I’d probably be able to go back further, but I’d have to have the “
World Explorer” level Ancestry account to gain access to those records from England, etc.
 I also have ancestors from Denmark and Germany, so I may have to break down
and upgrade one of these days just to see how far back I can go….
but I’d have to have it translated xD

At this time, it looks like they’re also offering me a discount to the
DNA test marked from 99 to 60-something, so I’d like to take part in that as well
in the coming days possibly, as payday is coming up.

I know that this is one heck of a post, and I’m sorry--but I feel like I’m driving
my family crazy with new developments, so I thought that I might share a few with you guys.
 AS ALWAYS, thank you SO MUCH for staying tuned.  Like I mentioned apost or so back,
we are nearly at 1.5K so that’s awesome.

Lastly, it is now a mere 21 DAYS untik we have our Meet n’ Greet at the Nashville
Black Veil Brides show. I will be so happy to be back at Marathon Music Works, '
which is one of my favorite venues after seeing Falling in Reverse there.
Very cool people, tons of bars and top-notch VIP experience.

Hope I haven’t bored you to death, and I will see you all on Thursday!
 If you haven’t gotten a chance to check out my review of “Vale,” click here to read it now.

And if you’re looking for something else, click one of the links below:

Enjoy the show ;D


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