Reflecting on A Dream

A little backstory on this one...when I was 16, a classmate of mine that had been battling cancer for quite some time passed away.  We were acquaintances, never really talked at all, just had been classmates for at least 4 years.  Anyway, and I should preface this by the fact that I’ve always had this fear of cancer.  If I was ever sick or saw a spot, that’s what my mind would go to,  I guess it was trying to prepare me for my current reality  in which my mother has been battling stage 4 cancer for a year.

Just a month or two shy of the 1 year anniversary of his death, on “4/20,” to be exact, I had the weirdest dream that I was in this glass elevator with him, and he was trying so desperately to tell me something important.  Of course, you can’t predict the future in dreams, so the paper that he showed me was just fuzzy, fuzzy writing.  I jolted awake, confused and with the tightest of knots in my stomach.  I then wrote this:  

A sobering experience
but was it even real?
Still unaware,
just not sure how i feel
Pondered serious questions...
just for questions sake
Consider me Count Dracula
your piercing words, the stake
awakened from this nightmare
so many questions left to ask
reflecting on a night's dream
such a bitter, daunting task


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